从单机到食品加工流水线,我们帮您提高产品的附加值,更能助您满足客户日益挑剔的口感和对营养的追求! From single machines to complete processing lines, we enhance value and capture quality, nutrition and taste in food products. 诸城市金鼎食品机械有限公司成立于1996年,十几年来一直致力于食品杀菌设备的研究和开发。我们*的包括快开门装置等在内的10项杀菌锅技术获得了地区发明**。我公司生产的杀菌釜销往各个地区,如马来西亚、印度、菲律宾、韩国、越南等。 Zhucheng Jinding Food Machinery Co.Ltd was founded in 1996. For over ten years, we are engaged in the research and development the sterilization equipment for food industry. More than ten terms of technology which invented by ourselves obtained the state’s patent. our retort sterilziers were exported to many countries and regions including Maylaysia, Ind..